Chennai Times managed to gain entry into the heav ily-guarded set of Vikram and director Anand Shankar's Iru Mugan recently . The team has been canning an action sequence in this set in Chennai.Nobody , including the director, uses mobile phones on the set as the unit is keen about photos of the actors not leaking out from the set. We were told that even Vikram has to get permission from the director if he wants to click a selfie! While we were there, the director was canning an action block with the actor in a set that resembled a tunnel. CO2 gas was being blown for every shot they canned to add a smoke effect to the action scene. Nitya Menen, who is playing one of the female leads, was leaving after completing her portions, just as we arrived.
A source on the set told us, “Four grand sets have been erected in different parts of the city.A duet with Nayanathara and Vikram will be shot at one set, while action scenes will be shot at the others.“
During the break, we caught up with stunt director Ravi Verma, who is also the action director of Shah Rukh Khan's Raees. He said, “We had shot an action scene at a tunnel in Malaysia and this is a continuation of that scene. We had canned shots featuring the exterior of the tunnel there. Here, we have erected the interior of the tunnel.“
Another major action sequence was shot in Malaysia, Ravi Verma revealed. He said, “A car chase scene alone was shot for six days in Malaysia.More than 15 cars were used and professional drivers from France were roped in for this.Vikramperformed the stunts all by himself, without a body double.“
We hear that the team will be heading to Kashmir and Bangkok next to can yet another major action sequence.“Bangkok will be our final action schedule; we are yet to plan the scenes for it,“ he added, before moving on to do the prep work for the next shot.
Credits : Times OF India / Chennai Times
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