The most-anticipated Tamil action thriller movie "Thaandavam" starring Vikram, Anushka Shetty and British beauty Amy Jackson revolves around a blind-man who uses human echolocation technique to seek revenge.
Directed by AL Vijay and produced by UTV production, the film is all scheduled to hit the screens on September 28th.
Vikram and Vijay have reunited for "Thaandavam" after delivering blockbuster "Deiva Thirumagal." In their previous movie outing, they narrated a heart-warming relationship between a father and a daughter, and now they have come up with a revenge story.
Buzz is that Vikram is playing the role of a police officer but doesn't wear the uniform. His character in the movie is said to be inspired by Daniel Kish, an American-based human echolocation expert.
Daniel Kish has been roped in to the "Thaandavam" project by the filmmakers to assist the protagonist to understand the techniques of echolocation and get into the skin of the character.
In his forthcoming film, Vikram set himself on a revenge quest and fights his enemies despite the fact that he is visually impaired using echolocation method.
Human echolocation is a state of the art, where humans are able to recognize the objects/people in a surrounding and sense their movement towards them to spontaneously respond by actively generating sounds.
Vikram had earlier essayed the role of visually-challenged person in "Kasi" (2001). One of his movies "Kanthaswamy", (2009) too has a fight sequence, where he took on his foes blindfolded by sensing their foot movements.
Going by the trailer of "Thaandavam", Vikram figures out his enemies and takes them down by making clicking sounds with his mouth.
"Thaandavam" trailer promises big and assures a sure-treat for the action enthusiasts. The film will also be released in Telugu as "Shiva Thandavam."
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