Vijay is said to have re-shot the London portions at a set in city studios Earlier, the film was dragged into controversy with its title being already taken by some other producer which was later sorted out!
Vikram's flicks have a knack for making head lines. Now insiders reveal to DC that this `40 crore film directed by AL Vijay had some problems with footage they shot in the UK.
The team earlier shot for 65 days in London for the film where most part of the story happens. Dhananjayan of UTV had also tweeted that he threw a wrap up party for the team and heaped praise on Vijay for his speedy work and completing it on time.
But if sources are to be believed some of the `vital shots' of Thaandavam which were canned on the lead actors with a Red One camera by Nirav Shah were not recorded at all and Vijay realised it only when he sat at the editing table in Chennai.
Technically, Red One shoots in video format and one has to check the monitor each time a shot is being canned. Since the unit was shooting inunforgiving British weather day and night, probably Vijay and Nirav had overlooked the monitoring aspect, which has resulted in the team being worried.
A unit hand too confirmed this news aside from the source. Now the buzz is that, in a quick damage control measure, a shocked Vijay had to do an urgent `patch work' since the missing shots were very significant to the film.
Reportedly, they reshot some of the portions bringing British Junior actors and setting up a similar ambience to match London at our very own city studios.
Earlier, the film was dragged into controversy with its title being already taken by some other producer which was later arbitrated through Producers Council and was sorted out! More recently, an assistant director who had worked with ace filmmaker Radha Mohan claimed that the script was his. He had said that he once approached UTV for a chance to direct and left his bound script which has now been made as Thaandavam. He wanted to go to court for plagiarising his script which later was reportedly settled by the makers and things were sorted out in a hush-hush manner.
When contacted, director Vijay denied this. He says, “It is not true. We never shot any scenes again. Some of the files were corrupted and it was merely cor rected at the editing table.“
Source : Deccan Chronicle
Dated : September 14-2012
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